时间:2005-12-12 10:25:53 |
The Market Competition Analysis about the Mobile Carriers<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
许爱装 Xu Aizhuang 广州通信研究所 Guangzhou Communications Institute 陶卫红 Tao Weihong 北京女子学院计算机系 China Women's College Computer Department
Can 3G develop suitably in our country? Now just in this article, with analyzing the competition situation and problems of carry market nowadays, and discussing the strategies about the 3G'market entry and its development among the carriers, the author will give you the answer. Key words:Mobile Communication, Carry Market, Carriers, Competition
一、当前我国移动运营市场的竞争格局 就在全球电信业几乎全线溃败等待复苏之际,中国电信业经历了一次最为深刻的产业重组,随着2002年5月16日新的中国电信和中国网通相继挂牌,经过多 年拆分重组的中国电信业所确立的“5+1”格局,得以在形式上正式确立。我国电信领域正式形成了中国电信、中国网通、中国移动、中国联通、中国铁通和卫通 六家基础电信运营商共存,4000多家增值电信、无线寻呼企业相互竞争的市场格局。 |
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