A review of 40Gb/s optical communication systems development<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
张德朝 李正斌 陈章渊 李红滨 徐安士
This paper analyzes the development of 40Gb/s high speed optical communication systems at present in several aspects. At first, it introduces the key technology difficulties of 40Gb/s systems development, then introduces the corresponding resolvent. Finally, it summarizes and analyzes the status of the 40Gb/s optical communication systems development,including the development of important parameters, the development of important technologies, etc.
Key words:40Gb/s, OSNR, CD, PMD, Nonlinear effect, Modulation format
社会的发展和人们对信息的巨大需求对通信的发展提出了越来越高的要求。其中关键的一环是通信速率的提高。WDM技术是提高光纤通信容量的有效手段。WDM技术中,要提高传输容量,有两种方法:一是增加使用的通道数目;一是提高单通道的传输速率,如单波长通信速率由2.5Gb/s提高到10.0Gb/s就是一个很好的例子。这两种增加传输容量的方法往往需要结合处理,究竟需要采取那种方法有时甚至答案不太明确。几年前,业内还在争论是否需要把单波长的通信速率由2.5Gb/s提升到10Gb/s,最终北电99年在10Gb/s网络上60亿美元的销售收入结束了这场争论。 |